Harold O. Wilson lives with his wife Marilyn in Chester, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. He grew up in Delray Beach, Florida and spent a portion of his youth in the Saint Mary’s river region of north Florida. After studying at Wake Forest University and Andover NewtonTheological School, Wilson worked in the community development field at local, national and international levels. During that period he published numerous articles on affordable housing and finance. In 2003 he retired and began writing poetry and fiction.
The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council has recognized his poetry with several awards. Wilson’s primary interest in fiction is to explore the ways in which individuals seek to define themselves in a hostile world. His treatment of their success and failures in The Night Blooming Cereus and Other Stories has been hailed as a tour de force by readers from all walks of life.
In 2010, Wilson was named to the Editorial Board of the Delmarva Review. The Delmarva Review is a literary magazine published by the Eastern Shore Writers’ Association. Their website is www.delmarvareview.com
Wilson is the past president of the Eastern Shore Writer’s Association.
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Harold O. Wilson’s
Second Novel
Reconciliation with the past is at the heart of A Taste of Salt - reconciliation that comes slowly and with difficulty for the characters. Available on Amazon
Characters you will remember long after reading
In these stories, Harold Wilson has given us a finely crafted community of individuals-people who touch our hearts with their desire to define themselves in a hostile world. Available on Amazon
Banner Photo Credit: Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash