God Was Lonely
God Was Lonely
by Harold O Wilson
In the vast emptiness of His perfection
God felt the pain of loneliness
Issued from this great longing
Came forth the heavens and the earth
Waters separated from the dry land
Brought forth fish and all the creatures of the sea
And God saw that it was perfect
But He was still lonely
To sate His great need
The birds of the air
And all creatures of the field
Were brought forth to cover the dry land
And God saw that it was perfect
But even so He was lonely
Driven now by His infinite want
He created man and woman
Male and female He created them
And placed them in a beautiful Garden
And God saw that they were perfect
Yet even in their presence He was lonely
God looked on his heart’s desire
And knowing they were child’s perfection
Forbad that they eat the fruit of the Garden Tree
And they children that they were
Quickly ate of it
When God saw what they had done
He said unto them thou hast eaten
Of the fruit that was forbidden thee
And they being children said
We did not eat of it Lord
Now God raised himself to a great height
But I see at your feet my children
The bitten core of the Apple
Eyes wide they said unto Him
That is not our Apple
And in that lie
Were both born human
God looked gently now
On the children called forth
By His infinite longing
Imperfect He sighed
Poetry by Harold O. Wilson ©2011 – intended for on-line reading only. All inquiries for re-prints and questions should be directed to wilsonwritings@gmail.com